The Silent Pain
Too Many Pets are dying of Cancer
because Chemo cannot
be given in high enough dosages safely
Corporate Information
Corporate Headquarters
Animal Chemotherapy Research
1140 Avenue of the Americas, 9th Floor
New York, New York 10036

Telephone: 646 350 5406
© Copyright 2020 Animal Chemotherapy Research
All rights reserved worldwide
Speak with us to find out more:
If you would like to speak with us to learn more, click here to request a virtual meeting today. We love talking about how we can transform Animal Chemo.
Animal Chemotherapy Research
Safe Animal Chemo
Our Singular Goal  
Safe Animal Chemo
This is the one and only mission of the Institute
Our remarkable scientists and researchers are committed. Our Executives are committed. We are all committed
Find an alternative to Chemotherapy that does what Chemotherapy does but without the side effects on our Pets
Join Us
Our Pets Are Our Family. They are relying on us.

Veterinarians can't give high enough dosages of Chemo to stop pets dying of cancer because of the destructive side effects. 
Animal Chemotherapy Research is determined to find a safe alternative so we can save their lives.

Here are the brilliant minds that will do it.
Brilliant Minds
Dr David Goddard
Clinical Professor of Medicine, nyu
Chair, Medical Advisory Board
Dr John Allan
Assistant Professor of Medicine Hematology and Oncology, Weill Cornell
Dr Abraham Chachoua
Professor of Oncology and Urology
NYU Langone
Professor Michael Robbins
Professor in AI
Columbia University
Dr Yelena Novik
Associate Professor Clinical Medicine Breast Cancer, Perlmutter Cancer Center
Professor William Halperin
Professor Physics
Northwestern University
Dr Ann Hohenhaus
Veterinary Oncologist
Animal Medical Center
Dr Joseph Impellizeri
Veterinary Oncologist
Veterinary Oncology Services
Find Out More About Us And Our Research
How do you repond?
Join The  180 Club.

They can't ask you. So we will. Please become one of the 180 Club Pet Parents to contribute and help rid our pets of the aweful destruction caused by Chemo. We are their only support.

Please. Donate Now.
Please support our research
To our Pet Parents
Research is the answer to our prayer.

Our Pet Parents are sympathetic, but they are not researchers.

So we have asked brilliant (human) minds to help.

We are eager for results, and with your help, we will get them.

Dogs and Cats diagnosed with cancer every year
Find an alternative to Chemotherapy that does what Chemotherapy does but without the side effects on our pets
Our Mission For All Pet Parents
And Our Driving Passion
Safe Animal Chemo